Dental (Nitrous Oxide) is one of the safest and non invasive way to calm and remove your anxiety on dental treatment, be it needle phobia or fear of dental clinic.
Nitrous oxide with oxygen gives a relaxed sensation after inhalation and it immediately leaves your body once the session stops. Hence no worries about any further lingering side effects.
It is safe and often used for children to remove dental fear.
Sedation (nitrous oxide) for dental procedures
Before the procedure
As the parent or carer, you must give your consent to use sedation and consent for the dental procedure. You need to understand the reasons for sedation and the following risks:
Your child can have a light meal, such as jelly, soup or toast, and a drink two hours before the procedure. After that, they should have nothing to eat or drink until after the procedure.
During the procedure
Nitrous oxide sedation is given in the dental chair. Your child will breathe the sedation gas through a small nosepiece that sits on their nose. It does not cover their mouth.
The nitrous oxide makes children feel sleepy and relaxed. Your child will still be aware of what is happening around them, but will feel dreamy and floaty, warm, and have tingling in their hands and feet. They may be a little forgetful, and might not be able to remember the procedure afterwards.
While giving the nitrous oxide, staff will monitor your child's level of sedation to ensure that they can still cooperate and follow verbal instructions.
The dental treatment will be carried out. Local anaesthesia injections may also be given so that your child doesn't feel pain. These can be given while your child is sedated.
After the procedure Your child will recover from the effects of the nitrous oxide very quickly once their dental treatment has been completed. They will be observed for a brief period following the sedation. Some children may feel a little sick or nauseated. If they feel sick or vomit, give your child some water to drink. If they refuse water, try clear liquids, such as diluted fruit juice, or icy poles, jelly or clear soup to help keep your child hydrated. If your child has had a local anaesthetic as well, they need to be careful not to bite their lip or cheek while it is numb. When to see a doctor Contact your treating dentist if your child vomits more than twice in the first hour after treatment, or if you have any questions about their recovery. Key points to remember
Nitrous oxide gas helps reduce a child's pain and anxiety during dental procedures.
You need to give consent before your child has sedation.
Children usually recover quickly from the effects of nitrous oxide gas sedation.